Green Fund Initiative

Protection of Endangered Species

Nowadays, conservation efforts toward many endangered species remain a great challenge. We, GFI, are concerned with the protection of these species which serve as an important ecosystem service and balance. These endangered species include the white-winged duck, white-winged wood duck, pink-headed duck; Sarus Crane; Bengal Florican; Lesser Florican; White-bellied Heron; Spot-billed Pelican; Red-headed Vulture, and White-rumped vulture. We follow the IUCN endangered species list in our work. We collaborate with other Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) in protecting these endangered species.

At present, we, GFI, also work with the Bangladesh Biodiversity Conservation Social Service Center (BCSSC) to safeguard both the ecosystem and lesser-known species. When important species disappear, the ecosystem and people, most especially in the world’s developing nations, suffer. We, humans, depend on a healthy ecosystem for us to breathe fresh air and access cleaner water.


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