Green Fund Initiative

Building Climate Resilience: Sustainable Farming Solutions for Salinity-Affected Farmers

The project aims to enhance the capacity of farmers in Bangladesh who are affected by soil salinity, a growing issue due to climate change and rising sea levels. By providing training, resources, and support, the project seeks to empower these farmers with the knowledge and skills necessary to adapt to changing conditions, improve crop yields, and sustain their livelihoods.
We identified several challenges: increased soil salinity reduces agricultural productivity and renders traditional farming practices ineffective; farmers often lack awareness of modern techniques and salt-tolerant crop varieties; reduced crop yields lead to financial instability and food insecurity for farming families; and limited access to resources like quality seeds, irrigation systems, and farming tools.
To address these issues, we, along with our partner organization in Bangladesh, WEDO, conduct workshops and field training on sustainable farming practices, soil management, and the use of salt-tolerant crops. We provide farmers with salt-tolerant seeds, efficient irrigation systems, and necessary farming tools. Additionally, we establish a network of agricultural experts to offer ongoing technical support and advice to farmers, and promote community-based initiatives to share knowledge and resources, fostering collaboration and collective problem-solving among farmers.

In the long run, the project will enable farmers to adopt salt-tolerant crops and modern farming practices, increasing crop yields. Higher productivity and improved techniques will lead to better economic stability for farmers. Training and resource provision will promote sustainable agriculture, reducing long-term environmental degradation. Strengthened community networks and knowledge-sharing will enhance the overall resilience of farming communities to climate change impacts.

Join us in supporting the capacity building of salinity-affected farmers in Bangladesh and help create a sustainable and prosperous future for these resilient communities.

Green Fund Initiative

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